Will and Going to
Talking about the future
Will / going to
“will “
- Actual future situations:
The 2nd Winter Sports Olympics in Erzurum will begin next year in January.
- When making a forecast:
I hope you will enjoy the film.
- When we make a snap decision:
I will have pizza, please.
- Conditional sentences:
If you help me, I will handle this problem.
- When making offers and promises:
I promise I will not tell anyone.
- When seeking approval:
Don’t eat ice-cream today, will you?
“going to “
- We’ve been talking about the things we’ve decided to do:
I am going to apply for a job.
- Planned activities:
We are going to meet at 3.00 with our friends.
Using the future tense with -ing
- If a work in the future will continue (progress) for a certain period of time:
In the afternoon tomorrow, We will be taking our English Exam.
- In planned events:
Next week, I will be studying Spanish the whole week in the Spanish Course.
Using Future Tense with Perfect
- Perfect was used for meanings whose effect persisted even at that moment.
I have just finished my work.
When we use it with “will “, it gives the meaning that I will have finished.
By the time I get home, I will have travelled 5.000 km.
- By the time the soccer team takes part in Olympics, the players will have been training for three years.