Suffixes in English

In English, we add syllables to the end of words to create new words. These added syllables are called “suffixes.”

Examples of Suffixes:

Referencing People:

  • -ist = science / scientist, piano / pianist, type / typist
  • -ant, -ent = study / student, assist / assistant, descend / descendant
  • -ee = examine / examinee, employ / employee

Verbs Turned into Nouns:

  • -al = propose / proposal, try / trial, arrive / arrival
  • -age = pass / passage
  • -ation = inform / information, quest / question, investigate / investigation
  • -ance, -ence = refer / reference, differ / difference, depend / dependence
  • -ment = improve / improvement, develop / development
  • -sion = revise / revision, expand / expansion
  • -tion = compete / competition
  • -sis = emphasise / emphasis
  • -y = discover / discovery

Adjectives Turned into Nouns:

  • -al = accident / accidental, function / functional
  • -ous = danger / dangerous, posion / poisonous
  • -ical = alphabet / alphabetical
  • -ic = drama / dramatic
  • -ive = expense / expensive, harm / harmful
  • -ish = fool / foolish, child / childish
  • -ful = care / careful, help / helpful, harm / harmful
  • -ant = brilliance / brilliant
  • -able = reason / reasonable
  • -y = wind / windy, salt / salty
  • -ly = day / daily, week / weekly

Nouns Turned into Adjectives:

  • -ance, -ence = different / difference, important / importance
  • -ion = perfect / perfection
  • -ity = similar / similarity, popular / popularity
  • -y = modest / modesty
  • -ty = safe / safety
  • -ness = happy / happiness, sad / sadness, dark / darkness
  • -iness = lazy / laziness

Adjectives Turned into Verbs:

There aren’t many verbs formed from adjectives, but they do exist:

  • -en = tight / tighten, strength / strengthen, short / shorten
  • -ise = modern / modernise
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