First of all, let go of the fear of “not being able to learn a language” because your brain operates based on the signals it receives.
- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because correctness in language often comes after many errors.
- When learning a language, master the basic grammar. If you’re weak in grammar, do plenty of grammar exercises. Support this with listening and speaking. If you’re a student, make sure to get the CD or DVD version of your school book, and make it your indispensable tool. Because in class, you will always have limited time for listening and speaking.
- Language learning starts with acquisition. Use even the simplest word you learn in daily life.
- Since most of us didn’t start with a “bilingual” environment where both parents speak different languages, we often can’t find environments where we hear words from that language. This makes language learning harder. Therefore, we need to create environments where we are familiar with expressions and sentences related to the target language. This can be a course, school environment, or a room where foreign broadcasts are consciously followed at home.
- Don’t be afraid of homework because it reinforces what you’ve learned. But don’t cram it all into one or two hours. Do it in spacious time and areas.
- First, use an English-English dictionary. However, also have a dictionary where you can find meanings in your native language.
- Try to learn without translating to your native language.
- Try to speak English with anyone around you, including your relatives.
- Record a video of a dialogue or monologue written with the new words and phrases you’ve learned.
- Try to write a journal. Add a few different phrases to your journal every day. You’ll see how many different things you can write.
- Watch foreign movies with English subtitles. Native subtitles will divert your attention there and make your brain lazy. Instead, watching the movie a second time might help, as facial expressions and gestures can make phrases easier to understand.
- A language is learned best when it is heard a lot. So, listen to foreign broadcasts every day in short intervals.
- Don’t pay attention to people saying, “You’ve been learning English for so long, translate this article or news for me.” Make them understand that you learned English only because you needed it (for some, it’s a pleasure).