Past Tense
Past 1
“I was a popular student.” I was a popular student in the past.
The use of “was” in the sentence indicates that the speaker was a popular student in the past. In English, we use “was” as the past tense form of the verb “to be.”
Was / Were
1 He was a popular student.
2 William Wallace was a Scottish hero. He was the leader of his society.
3 William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright. Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford. He was a respected poet and playwright in his own day.
4 His early plays were mainly comedies and histories.
5 They were famous for being champions in the Super League for 4 times in a row.
6 Were they there?
7 Who were the people over there?
Negative form for “was” is “wasn’t” (was not), and for “were” it is “weren’t” (were not).
1 He wasn’t right.
2 The city was beautiful, but it wasn’t very big.
3 They weren’t right.
4 She wasn’t in school yesterday.
5 They weren’t in school yesterday.
6 We weren’t at home.
7 Clara and her sister weren’t here a moment ago.
Questions (?)
In English, when forming questions, it’s important to bring the auxiliary verb to the beginning of the sentence:
1 Is he a robber?
2 Was he a robber?
3 Were they famous?
4 Where were you born?
5 Why were you so sad yesterday?
Past 2
Regular verbs are used to express actions, states, and general truths in the past. Regular verbs are usually formed by adding “-ed” to the base form of the verb.
Examples of regular verbs: called, brushed, finished, talked, washed, watched, etc.
1 I called Jane yesterday.
2 I brushed my teeth twice yesterday.
3 He brushed his teeth.
4 The police stopped our car because of exceeding the speed limit.
5 She worked in a shop.
6 We cried when we finished our ceremony.
Negative / Didn’t
In negative sentences, we use “didn’t” followed by the base form of the verb. “Didn’t” is used for all subjects (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
1 I didn’t stay at home yesterday.
2 She didn’t help her friend.
3 I didn’t walk to school because I was so tired.
4 We didn’t finish our job, so the boss got very angry.
5 He didn’t enjoy the film.
Questions (?)
When forming questions, use “Did” at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the base form of the verb.
1 Did you finish your homework?
2 Did she stay at home?
Past 3
Irregular verbs have unique past tense forms that are often not formed by adding “-ed” to the base form of the verb.
Examples of irregular verbs: be – was/were, become – became, begin – began, break – broke, bring – brought, buy – bought, come – came, etc.
1 He came 5 minutes ago.
2 He got up late yesterday.
3 He ate his lunch at 1:00.
4 He lived in Izmir in 1990.
5 He came to Izmir in June.
6 He came here on Monday.
7 He went to Spain last summer / year / week.